What is Turing-Completeness in Ethereum?

what is turing complete

And Post had only proposed a definition of calculability and criticised Church’s “definition”, but had proved nothing. A quite definite generally applicable prescription is required which will allow one to decide in a finite number of steps the truth or falsity of a given purely logical assertion … That the whole of development and operations of analysis are now capable of being executed by machinery.

Implications on Blockchain Technology

Control flow in Postscript looks a bit strange at first, because of the stack-oriented model. Arrays can be joined to form matrices, which are key elements in many graphics calculations as ways to perform rotation and scaling. It has arrays, which are created by using a special operator that pushes a “start of array mark”. This is followed by pushing an number of items onto the stack, then executing the end-of-array operator ‘’, which collects all the items on that stack down to the ‘

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